Why in the world would anyone equate time to money? A very simple answer, one-third of your life is spent working. Your employer pays you a salary based on your skills, experience, hard work, and dedication. One-third of your time for most of you is spent sleeping. The other third is what you make of it. It’s your time but unfortunately, time is limited, and sooner or later you will die—guaranteed.
While you’re on this planet why not get the most out of time by equating it to money. In our society, you won’t get very far without money. So, if time is scarce and precious the only logical thing to do is equate every hour to some monetary value. This analogy forces us to realize how valuable time is and to stop wasting this priceless resource as of right now. I promise you that your time could not be better spent than reading what follows.
By far the number one excuse people share with me is that they don’t have enough time on any given day. I beg to differ. If you take a hard look and write down your daily schedule, you’ll see how much time in hours, not minutes, you waste each day. Associating a price for a day or a month won’t cut it, but for every hour of your existence. How much time can you afford to throw away?