Use a simple ‘to-do’ list to document your daily obligations. Your ‘to-do’ list should be written every evening or as the last task before leaving work – do not wait until the morning to document your activities. You need to hit the ground running—in the morning¾not wasting time by thinking of what to do next. Below are some helpful tips on how to effectively use a ‘to-do’ list:
- I prefer handwriting my tasks on a pad of paper and crossing them off with a black-colored sharpie upon completion. You could use your favorite digital device—there are plenty of apps but I prefer having that pad of paper beside me and viewing the to-do list throughout the day.
- Prioritize your tasks. The unexpected always rears its ugly head and you may not get everything you want to be done for any given day.
- There should be no exceptions. All your projects, tasks, errands, etc. for your personal and professional life should be written down on your ‘to-do’ list daily.
Preparing a ‘to-do’ list may sound simple but so many people have a hard time disciplining themselves to follow it daily. To be consistent requires you to establish a list 7 days a week. Yes, even on the weekends, even if you only have household chores to do. If you do this every day for approximately one month, it will become habitual and you will manage your time much more efficiently. You need to do this!