Exercise doesn’t have to be unpleasant, yet so many people look upon it as a necessary evil with nothing but sweat and unnecessary pain. There are many other things that people would rather be doing. The number one thing on that list is doing nothing. If you start taking on the challenge of exercising consistently and you bring along a negative attitude, then your new goal will be dead in its tracks after a few weeks.
First, you must train your mind that exercise is not a supplement to life, it’s an integral part of your life. The sooner you can incorporate it into your daily routine the sooner you will overcome these barriers. Our bodies need some form of exercise on a regular basis and you don’t have to go to the gym each day. You have all kinds of options: Clean your home or apartment once a week at a fast pace, wash/wax your own car, and take long brisk walks to the store.
Train your mind that cleaning the house is exercise, as is washing and waxing the car. It really works. You’ll get a pretty good sweat out of it and accomplish two things at one time. As you begin your new fitness routine start with a very positive attitude. Even though there will be some bumpy spots on the road with loads of excuses why you shouldn’t go, i.e., you’re tired, you’re feeling sick, you’ve got too much work to do, etc., you need to go anyway! Push yourself and eventually, the mind will take over and automatically push you.
We all know the benefits of exercising regularly: reducing stress, better conditioning, physical well-being, mentally uplifting, etc. So, why are people still getting turned off to exercise? There are many reasons but one of the most common is they’re doing the same old routine and getting themselves into a rut. Enthusiasts typically join their local health club (by paying a hefty initiation fee upfront) – all gung-ho to start their new routine. In two weeks, they’re bored and that’s the last you’ll see of them. That’s how health clubs prosper. Always change your routine. I never do the same routine 2 weeks in a row (even after 40+ years). If you like going to the gym, then mix it up between weight training and cardiovascular workouts.