(The same old lines – and the same old results……)
I love the holidays (i.e., Christmas, Independence Day, etc.), however, when it comes to New Year’s… … there is a phenomenon people engage in that I really dislike. All that small talk and self-delusion (self-deception). For example, this year is going to be the best, I hope this is a good year, happy new year, I hope you have a healthy and prosperous new year, etc.). As if going from 12/31/XX to 1/1/XX on the calendar is going to make a difference. Many people assume or hope that on December 31st as the clock nears midnight life will magically improve for them one minute after midnight.
Those hopes and dreams disappear quickly and reality rears its ugly agenda as they wake up on January 1st with the same bad habits—”life didn’t change for me“—oh what a surprise…
People continue to hope that next year will be better and continue making up New Year’s resolutions year after year – yet nothing ever changes. Hope is fine but hoping alone is what most people do and year after year their goals never come to fruition. Hope and new year’s resolutions don’t work without major change. To accomplish goals you need to adopt discipline into your life.
It takes proper goal setting with a focus on accomplishing daily milestones, structure (‘to-do’ list, routine, daily exercise, etc.), prioritizing your life, and managing time effectively to REALLY see a productive new year…