+1 (818) 404-9248 harris@harriskern.com

Ten Tips to Help You Manage Your Meal Intake

Discipline Mentor

The English language should abolish the word diet. Diets are mostly short-term solutions. The majority of people who diet eventually put the weight back on. Unfortunately, there are so many books written about various types of diets it has brainwashed much of the population. The most effective way to maintain the ideal weight is to manage your daily food intake. Below are ten tips to help you manage what you eat.

  1. Keep things simple

You don’t need to count calories or follow a special diet. No one has time for that! Instead, weigh yourself daily. If you consume too many calories on any given day the scale will reflect this the next day. When this occurs, just eat a little less the next day or two. It’s a simple way to manage your weight when you’re always on the go.

2. Establish phrases—play mind games

Train your mind to believe that managing your food intake is an integral part of your life. Use negative phrases or positive affirmations/techniques to train your mind.

Repeatedly tell yourself the following negative phrases:

You look pathetic, can you imagine yourself in a bathing suit.

You’re a fat slob.

You’re so out of shape, you will probably die at a young age.

Get your lazy butt off that couch and clean your home.

Utilize the following techniques for positive reactions:

Tell yourself, “Your body is strong and healthy because you choose the right foods to keep it so.”

Get a photo of a body you would like to have and look at it every day.

Practice stress techniques like yoga and meditation to stop comfort eating.

Twin up with someone who needs to get healthy and encourages you.

Remind yourself that a person’s ability to accomplish something is only limited by their own self-doubt.

3. Exercise will help curve your appetite

You already know that exercise burns calories, but did you know that after intense cardio workouts your appetite is curbed and you eat fewer calories throughout the day. There are many sources on the Internet supporting this fact. Although it’s temporary appetite suppression, some people find that exercising makes them reconsider their food choices. For instance, you might feel less inclined to chow down on pizza or hot wings after completing an afternoon run or morning step class, choosing a veggie sandwich or fruit smoothie instead.

4. Drink Water

Drinking water before meals can result in consuming less calories according to numerous studies. Your stomach will send signals to your brain that it’s not hungry. It’s zero calories, healthy and it will make you feel full. It doesn’t get any easier than that. Drinking plenty of water also boosts your metabolism.

5. Use smaller dishes and utensils

If you’re overweight and have a tendency to over-eat, use smaller dishes and utensils. If you’re constantly using large plates you will be more inclined to fill it up with food, therefore consuming more calories. If you’re using smaller plates and utensils, it will help you achieve portion control.

6. Wear form-fitting clothes

I’m not suggesting you wear pants that are too tight, but when your clothes get noticeably tighter it may stop you from having a second helping of food. Especially as it can get expensive if you must repeatedly buy nice clothes to cover your growing waistline.

7. Chew gum

If you’re hungry and don’t want to snack prior to dinner try chewing gum to suppress your appetite. It really does work. Also, remember to chew slowly as it will help you lose weight.

8. Don’t snack from a bag or container

Put a small amount on your plate versus just snacking from the bag and not knowing the amount you’re actually eating. You can divide the servings (noted on the label) into small baggies, but that’s a lot of work. Just take a small handful out of the container and put the container away.

9. Maintain a balanced diet—the five food groups

The five main food groups are dairy, fruits, grains, proteins and vegetables. They all provide vital nutrients to support normal healthy development. Choose foods that have a high content of nutrients (protein, vitamins, and minerals) compared with the number of calories, fat, and sodium content. Below are a few important tips:

Eat fruits

Like apples and berries, (especially strawberries and blueberries) which are a good source of fiber among other nutrients.

Eat more vegetables

Not only are they an excellent source of nutrients, but they’re a good way to complement your meal and help satisfy your hunger with minimal calories.

Eat lean proteins

Like low-fat yogurt and egg whites, especially in the morning, to help you feel fuller throughout the day. Aim for one ounce or thirty grams of protein per sitting, especially if you exercise daily. Also, if you exercise in the morning, you need to feed your muscles as quickly as possible post-workout.

Eat smaller portions and fewer carbohydrates

It’s all about strict maintenance of your carbohydrate intake (breads, pasta, potatoes and rice) as well as portion control (total number of calories consumed)

10. Eat slowly to reduce calorie intake

Eating slowly will help you consume fewer calories. Your food intake and appetite are controlled by hormones. After you eat, your stomach satisfies a hormone called ghrelin, which manages hunger. This hormone tells your mind that you’ve eaten, making you feel full, which helps you to stop eating. This process takes approximately twenty minutes, so slowing down when you eat gives your brain the time it needs to receive these signals. If you chow your meal down quickly, you will overeat as your brain doesn’t have enough time to receive the ‘I’m satisfied’ signal.

Harris Kern

After 30 years as an IT executive, Haris Kern consulted major corporations including Standard and Poor’s, GE, and The Weather Channel. His life coaching experience spans decades mentoring various clients from college students to high-level executives, even individuals with long-term disabilities like ADHD. Harris is also the author of over 40 books including Live Like You are Dying and Going from Undisciplined to Self Mastery.

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Harris Kern: 1-818-404-1948

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