+1 (818) 404-9248 harris@harriskern.com

Tips To Help You Save Effectively

Discipline Mentor

Make managing finances a priority. Throughout my entire life, one of my top priorities was to be financially secure. I earn, manage expenses, invest and save continuously. It’s important to have enough money to live comfortably. Being financially secure makes life much more enjoyable and fun when you can go wherever you want or do whatever your heart pleases: 

  • Travel the world 
  • Buy that dream home 
  • Purchase that expensive sports car or just a good reliable car 
  • Give more money to charity 

Effectively managing finances is crucial to living debt-free, having the resources to do the things you’ve always wanted to do and maintaining a good relationship. More marriages break up due to financial issues than any other reason! Be proactive – don’t let this happen to you.  

Many people don’t manage their finances and pay the price for it later. Individuals do not establish any sort of budget, which typically means they don’t know how much they actually spend – then they get into credit card debt and don’t even realize that they spend more than they make. Having financial difficulties could derail progress in every facet of your life. 

Be smart about finances. Make good financial management practices a priority. Develop a budget, track your expenses, grow your savings account, etc. Below are a few tips on how to save effectively: 

Deposit something into a separate savings account consistently: 

  • Preferably bi-monthly or monthly. If you have the option of depositing automatically through your company payroll deduction system, then do so. If that option is not available and you get paid bi-monthly then deposit funds into your savings account manually. You should also try to deposit extra funds even if it’s only a small amount (i.e., $20.00, $50.00, etc.). The key is to constantly watch your balance grow. 
  • Your mind will always want to look for more – but will never be satisfied. 
  • Eventually, your mind will get bored at looking at the same number and will always force you to deposit more. It’s a major sense of accomplishment to see that number increase frequently. The more frequent the better – your mind will be trained to anticipate a growing balance. 
  • Converse with yourself repeatedly “I NEED TO BEAT THAT NUMBER”. Even if it’s only by a few dollars. 

Do not tap into your savings account:  

  • You can NEVER withdraw money from your savings account. 
  • If you withdraw funds one time you will want to do it again and again. Have a ‘hands-off’ policy. Your savings are only for major purchases (i.e., home) or for a major emergency (i.e., loss of employment). 

Plan ahead:  

  • Establish realistic savings goals. I need to have xx dollars in my savings account in 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, etc.). 

Equate money to your career or business:  

  • Typically, the more you make the more successful you are. Managing your finances should be one of your top priorities – say it dozens of times each day! MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, etc. Tell yourself repeatedly that the world revolves around money. It’s sad to say, but it’s VERY true. 



Harris Kern

After 30 years as an IT executive, Haris Kern consulted major corporations including Standard and Poor’s, GE, and The Weather Channel. His life coaching experience spans decades mentoring various clients from college students to high-level executives, even individuals with long-term disabilities like ADHD. Harris is also the author of over 40 books including Live Like You are Dying and Going from Undisciplined to Self Mastery.

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Harris Kern: 1-818-404-1948

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