+1 (818) 404-9248 harris@harriskern.com
Seven Tips for Managing Your Goals

Seven Tips for Managing Your Goals

If you only set goals without managing them, failure is imminent. Setting goals requires continuous management for success. Below are seven tips to help you better manage the goals you have now judiciously thought through and set: Keep goals front and center Make sure...
Optimize Sleep

Optimize Sleep

You’ll Sleep Plenty When You Die  “I’m not very productive today; I didn’t get my 8 hours of sleep last night”. I’ve heard this line countless times. Who says you need 8 hours of sleep a night? Some doctors who write medical journals? How frequently do you see medical...
Working With A Discipline Coach

Working With A Discipline Coach

There is NO DOUBT that the key to success is being disciplined However, most people have poor self-discipline—only a very small percentage have the skills to be disciplined. For the 95% that aren’t disciplined—it’s almost impossible to acquire it on your own....
Exist or Live

Exist or Live

Most people exist – living life day to day – by the seat of their pants. They’ll waste time (a minimum of 4 hours a day) like everyone has an unlimited amount. They will procrastinate on their...