+1 (818) 404-9248 harris@harriskern.com

Discipline Mentor Blog

by Harris Kern
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Money, Gym, Sex – Priorities for Success

Just recently I was asked what made me so successful? After pondering on the question, I realized that focusing day and night on the most important priorities was one of the KEY success factors in effectively managing my life.  I am NOT going to sugar-coat the...

Searching for a Coach

When searching for a coach, know the similarities and the differences. There are countless coaches: Success, Business, Leadership, Music, Life, etc. You name a specific category you will probably have no trouble finding a coach. There are certainly no shortages of...

Thirteen Tips on How to Excel in Your Career

Superior performance trumps everything Performance warrants top billing. If management sees you as a high-performer they will typically reward you. Bonuses aren't guaranteed, but if your company does handout yearly bonuses your odds are greatly improved. Effective...
Seven Tips on How to Manage Yourself to Effectively Manage Time

Seven Tips on How to Manage Yourself to Effectively Manage Time

Learn to say no In real life, your colleagues, friends, and extended family love to talk about their issues. They can offer such distractions as irrelevant conversations, personal drama or obsession with detail. If you try to help everyone and take on too much, you...

Seven Tips for Managing Your Goals

Seven Tips for Managing Your Goals

If you only set goals without managing them, failure is imminent. Setting goals requires continuous management for success. Below are seven tips to help you better manage the goals you have now judiciously thought through and set: Keep goals front and center Make sure...

Optimize Sleep

Optimize Sleep

You’ll Sleep Plenty When You Die  “I’m not very productive today; I didn’t get my 8 hours of sleep last night”. I’ve heard this line countless times. Who says you need 8 hours of sleep a night? Some doctors who write medical journals? How frequently do you see medical...

Working With A Discipline Coach

Working With A Discipline Coach

There is NO DOUBT that the key to success is being disciplined However, most people have poor self-discipline—only a very small percentage have the skills to be disciplined. For the 95% that aren’t disciplined—it’s almost impossible to acquire it on your own....

Exist or Live

Exist or Live

Most people exist – living life day to day - by the seat of their pants. They’ll waste time (a minimum of 4 hours a day) like everyone has an unlimited amount. They will procrastinate on their...

Focus on One Project at a Time (If Possible)

Focus on One Project at a Time (If Possible)

To complete your goals, milestones, projects or tasks faster; focus on 1 thing at a time. Do not try and multi-task. Our brains can’t handle that many things in parallel, they can only think of one thought at a time. If you’re waterskiing, you’re...

Focus on Milestones, Not Goals

Focus on Milestones, Not Goals

As a life mentor, I’ve learned that one of the main reasons that people do not accomplish their goals is because they just set goals. They rarely establish milestones.   Perhaps your goal is to lose 60 pounds in 1 year. One of your...

Improving Your Odds for Goal Success

Improving Your Odds for Goal Success

Every goal should have several different options to attain successful completion. Always keep those wheels in motion by thinking of smarter and easier ways to complete goals ahead of schedule. Goals are not an afterthought. Strategizing on how to complete goals ahead...

Instill a Sense of Urgency

Instill a Sense of Urgency

You’ve heard the old cliché that time is money? I'm here to set the record straight: time is much more valuable than money. With money, you can always earn more. With time once you waste it you've lost it.   Time is sacred,...

Ready to Change Your Life or Business?

Sign up for a 45-minute session 

$206  Now Free! 

Initial 45 minutes of free consultation available over the phone, Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp, so I can understand your issues/goals/lifestyle and for you to understand my background and experience, know my program and how I mentor to determine whether or not we would be a good fit. 

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+1 (818) 404-9248








Harris Kern: 1-818-404-9248

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